For Companys

To increase values and adapt business models to the rapid changing enviroment, companies need to innovate. One essential part of innovation is the exchange and transfer of knowledge. While the most companies are used to network with consultancies and start-ups, one big segment is often forget. The science area around universitities and schools. The employees of tomorrow are seeking to solve real cases and gain first experience in the business world. Beeconn is the bridge to overcome this pain!

Project requirements

The company name is displayed within a project to show the students the area and relevance of the challenge. Furthermore, each partner will have a company profile that introduce visitors to the company and shows all projects.

Within a challenge the companies need a title for their real business case. This helps students to differentiate the projects.

For participate companies need a real business case that includes a clear problem definition. The description of the project should introduce the pains of the companies, the relevance of the topic and set a frame for the working process.

Besides the project description companies need to provide an expectation for the students. This should allow the students to keep an overall thread running through the whole project.

Within a challenge several companies will provide their cases and problems. As there will be differences between the projects it is essential to provide an estimated delivery date.

The Kickoff date will be the same through all the projects.

As the real cases and real problems of the companies as different the projects will be. Therefore it can be helpful to provide expected knowledge areas. (Optional)