About the Project

How can online experience be combined with offline stores?
Project description
The aim of this project is to set a marketing strategy for the next 10 years for the coffee trader Gustito UG. The focus should be on the combination of online channels as Social Media and Websites with offline channels as the stores the company has in the bigger German cities.
prior knowledge of the students
As the focus is on strategy, it could be beneficial for the students to have knowledge in Strategic Management and Marketing. Specially knowledge around marketing KPIs can be helpful.
Expectations for the students
After the Kick-Off where the company will introduce the students into the company’s values the students should prepare a marketing strategy that includes long & short term goals for all channels. Also clear examples for the implementation of such a strategy have to be design.
Processing time
The processing time for this project will be 10 weeks. Within the 10 weeks the students will have a Kick-Off and two question and exchange rounds. For further information to the processing time please contact us or our partner company Gustito UG.
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