For Students

The students play a big role for the companies. As a student, you can apply for interesting topics and projects. You can use these topics as the subject of your studies or your bachelor’s and master’s theses and at the same time make a valuable contribution to a company with your work. Because your elaborations have a direct practical relevance!

Students requirements

When appliaying to a project, the student needs to enter its name. 

In which school or university is the student enrolled. This helps us to create the groups and to understand which is the participating university.

When appliying to a project the students must show what the motivation for this project is. As the projects are built on real business cases the companies would like to match with students that are willing to reinvent and solve the issues.

During the working period the students must interact with each other and also with the selected company. Therefore, communication skills can be benefitial for the success of the proejct.